Ramadhan Kareem from Yogyakarta City, Indonesia

Happy Ramadhan Mubarak to all muslims in the world. I feel so happy for this ramadhan, because now I have some jobs after my graduations. 3rd ramadhan I have been stay at Yogyakarta, where I have do my jobs. Before that, I usualy start Ramadhan and finish it: Ied with my family at Magelang, Central Java.

Ramdhan is not only about stop eating, and drinking, but also we must keep down our nafs to be a better man than before. We know, to upgrade our self is not only in Ramadhan, but in this month Allah give us more more pahala bring us to Jannah.

We can do something helpfully and positive activity in this month, such as add more time to have pray to Allah, to do sunnah, reading Qur’an and tadhabur the Qur’an. We also can do some social activity, etc.

Ramdhan arround the world. – video on my Instagram.

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