I lost a lot of data including on this site

Dark December! I lost a lot of data because I forgot to pay the hosting bill. Fck, even though the data is very important. If you know, for this site I am always writing, and now you see, the last post is in May, this is the result of a restore from scavenging for a stack of backups. Luckily it can still be saved, even if only a little.

I think the suspended period is around 30 days as in the next place, it turns out that here is only 7 days, and after 7 days immediately terminated. In this terminate period, the service was deemed to be forfeited and completely lost. I was given a choice by the company where I rented, if I want to return the data, there are more additional restore costs.

This may be relevant, but I feel that the service is not pleasant. If only I had more money, I would have asked for a restore of the data, but the finance was bad too. What’s worse, on this server there are some data that not only have mine, but also those of the client. Therefore, I apologize if I need time to restore myself from my personal backup, and there may be some missing data.

Hopefully this incident will not happen again. Aamiin

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