Menjalankan Composer dengan berbagai versi PHP

Ketika teman-teman bekerja sebagai seorang web developer, tentunya keberadaan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan composer sudah sangat teman-teman kenal. Ada kalanya kita butuh untuk menjalankan composer dengan versi PHP yang dapat kita definisikan, karena apa? Alasan utamanya adalah soal maintenance. Ketika kita sudah memiliki kewajiban untuk maintenance sistem-sistem lama, atau bekerja dengan pekerjaan lama dan project […]

PHP cURL not allowed multidimentional array

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh In this case, I running on project at work, build the main portal project. The portal should use so many database from any host. We can’t build it ini one big systems, it’s not good for maintenance and the source sistem is available before. My department made Rest Api’s system to control […]

Tutorial: Using HighChart on CodeIgniter project without ajax

If we would like print some report on CodeIgniter, we can use view like tabels, and then print or export the report using pdf, word, or excel document. Looking for table in the report page is fine, but if you use chart to present your data, it’s look better and come alive. Many charts plugin are available to download. Highcharts, is […]

Tutorial: How to Build Website use CodeIgniter and Bootstrap

This page is backup to my old logs tutorial about ” Tutorial Membuat Website dengan CodeIgniter dan Bootstrap Lengkap“. This is video screencast tutorial series, and after chapter 5, I have lost my data and this series discontinued. But don’t worry, I always share anything I know. Before begin, I assumed you know a little […]

How to set Indonesian date using PHP?

We need date format for our report, or check to customer, or something. Any legal documents need to show with date included. In my country, Indonesia, the date format have a little different with other. Format and spelling have some unique to other country. I run using PHP Framework called CodeIgniter. So, I’ll tell you how to set […]