Buat kamu-kamu mahasiswa, pelajar, atau aktivis yang berpolah dibidang IT dan domisili di Bantul dan sekitarnya mungkin lumayan nih kalau […]
Tips Biar Bisa Cinta Sama Terminal Linux
Mungkin ketika pertama kali kita denger kata OS berbasis kernel linux, itu yang muncul di pikiran yaa mungkin ribet, susah, […]
Hiburanku sekedar 8 Ball Poll
BIsmillah….Assalamu’alaikum… hehe 😀 Gimana kabar kawan-kawan BL0Gnoters? sehat tho? semoga aja dah 😀 Kali ini ane sedikit cerita entang hiburan […]
10 Effective Ways to Become a Good Programmer
Working as a software programmer in IT industry, one thing that drives us daily to the work place; is that […]
Today is not so well, but also not a bad day. I’m so tired from doing my job last night(ind: […]
CEHV7 : Download Certified Ethical Hacker Video (All Chapters)
Are you confused to learning CEHV7 from the e-book? Looking for something defference? There is the video of CEHV7. […]
Wireless Security (Hidden SSID, MAC filtering, firewall captive portall)
Mac Filtering MAC Address Filtering merupakan metode filtering untuk membatasi hak akses dari MAC Address yang bersangkutanHampir setiap wireless access […]
Elements of information system security: the CIA triad + Non Repudiation and Autentication
Confidentiality When we talk about confidentiality of information, we are talking about protecting the information from disclosure to unauthorized […]
NO SYSTEM IS SAFE. The sentence was to convince us that all systems can be attacked and can be […]
LINUX: Mengubah Ijin Akses Dengan Metode UGO dan Oktal
Ijin akses adalah sebuah aturan yang memberikan hak akses kepada user-user tertentu. Bisa kepada sistem atau pun kepada komputer. Di […]