Make a login process using Volley Library

Last night again I build my first Android Project after I learned with Manggala in Indonesia Android Kejar. This is my final project for the course. Actually, it does not have to be an app with extra logic and much more complicated process, beacuse in Beginner class that I have done, we just learn about layouting and introduction how to using Android Studio.

But, it think I need more faster way to teach my mind to be more accesible with Java and Android Development. Ok. now I share my success part of this building, about login part in Android Studio using Volley.

About how to start the project, I think you was the master. Now, we going to the point. Please note, that name for my project is #DevFeeds.

First, we need to make an xml login file. I use an text view to title and note under the form, two EditText for the input form, email and password, and for the design of form input I also add the google design form to the gradel.

You’ll see the layout looks like:

Then, don’t forget to create the LoginActivity. There, we have to set the layout, and process the login. I have set the comment inside the code, so you’ll easily understand the code.

I don’t tell you about code of the homepage, but there I’ll show you the HomeActiviy just for knowing if there is the user were redirect after He got the login session.

I just show the main code, you need to add config to your own project. You must set the internet permission and add the activity to manifest.xml, and you need to implement the google form design to your own gradel compiler.

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