Joined workshop “How To Build Secure Software: Design & Implementation Software Security Engineering”

This post actuacly very very late. I want to tell you about my experience joined security engineering workshop in Information Technology Training Center (ITTC), Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

We learn from Avinanta Tarigan for two days, He is Head of Center Information Security Research in Universitas Gundarma, Indonesia. If you look at the poster, we’ll think that it will be borring workshop and too much exercises. But in practice, its more fun and feel fast to learn that.

We use two OS we run in our virtualbox, they are is Fedora that’s vulnerable as a target victim, and Kali Linux, as a executor. Because it’s about how to build secure software, we focuse on designing software, not like a plural hacker. As you know, we use some apps called DVWA (Damn Vulnerable Web Application) to test the security. Not about, how we can attact it, but from many method that we used to attact, we will know some procedure that it’s vulenrable if we use that code and structure code. So, after this workshop, hopely we will use more secure method, secure code to building our Apps.

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