Panduan React Native Bahasa Indonesia
Panduan React Native Bahasa Indonesia

How to fix: Cannot get property ‘supportLibVersion’ on extra properties extension as it does not exist

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I’ll not talking too much about #HowToFix section in my logs, beacuse this is just my notes, and also mightbe helpfully for you.

So, I do not care to much about SEO, and then …

How to fix this problem?

This problem happen because sometimes we have dependency that need supporting library. And, In my case this came with react-native-reanimated.

So what will we do?

Finally I fix this problem on my 0.61 React Native by adding supportLibVersion = "27.0.0" in my android/build.grade.

Like this…

buildscript {
     ext {
         buildToolsVersion = "28.0.3"
         minSdkVersion = 16
         compileSdkVersion = 28
         targetSdkVersion = 28
         supportLibVersion           = "27.0.0"
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