Palestina, apa yang dapat ku berikan kepadamu?

Bismillah…. tulisan kali ini sedikit meluapkan perang batin yang tak kunjung terhenti. Kadang-kadang, sengaja menyisihkan waktu untuk mengikuti berita terbaru tentang Palestina yang tengah diselimuti duka. Kadang-kadang aku juga berpikir, apa yang membuat para petinggi tak segera menuntaskan hal ini? Boikot saja semua lajur Israel dari berbagai sektor di setiap negeri, atau rudal saja sudah, […]

Magic query for table operation in SQL

Sometimes, we feel very annoyed where doing job in database management. Building apps without good database is like building a skyscraper without cement. It’s imposible, actually, although it’s posible but it’s harder to do that. Well, we agree if database is so important to building apps. If we understand that, we can be more carefull […]

Something like a lucky in the end of year

December is going fastly. I feels like a yesterday december coming, but now it’s a middle of December. December this year came with some lucky for me, but a lucky not always means we can eat a cake without doing something. This month is fully project. First, I have a project that has been done […]

Joined workshop “How To Build Secure Software: Design & Implementation Software Security Engineering”

This post actuacly very very late. I want to tell you about my experience joined security engineering workshop in Information Technology Training Center (ITTC), Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. We learn from Avinanta Tarigan for two days, He is Head of Center Information Security Research in Universitas Gundarma, Indonesia. If you look at the poster, we’ll think […]

Joined workshop “How To Build Secure Software: Design & Implementation Software Security Engineering”

This post actuacly very very late. I want to tell you about my experience joined security engineering workshop in Information Technology Training Center (ITTC), Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. We learn from Avinanta Tarigan for two days, He is Head of Center Information Security Research in Universitas Gundarma, Indonesia. If you look at the poster, we’ll think […]