Palestina, apa yang dapat ku berikan kepadamu?

Bismillah…. tulisan kali ini sedikit meluapkan perang batin yang tak kunjung terhenti. Kadang-kadang, sengaja menyisihkan waktu untuk mengikuti berita terbaru tentang Palestina yang tengah diselimuti duka. Kadang-kadang aku juga berpikir, apa yang membuat para petinggi tak segera menuntaskan hal ini? Boikot saja semua lajur Israel dari berbagai sektor di setiap negeri, atau rudal saja sudah, […]

Magic query for table operation in SQL

Sometimes, we feel very annoyed where doing job in database management. Building apps without good database is like building a skyscraper without cement. It’s imposible, actually, although it’s posible but it’s harder to do that. Well, we agree if database is so important to building apps. If we understand that, we can be more carefull […]

Something like a lucky in the end of year

December is going fastly. I feels like a yesterday december coming, but now it’s a middle of December. December this year came with some lucky for me, but a lucky not always means we can eat a cake without doing something. This month is fully project. First, I have a project that has been done […]

Joined workshop “How To Build Secure Software: Design & Implementation Software Security Engineering”

This post actuacly very very late. I want to tell you about my experience joined security engineering workshop in Information Technology Training Center (ITTC), Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. We learn from Avinanta Tarigan for two days, He is Head of Center Information Security Research in Universitas Gundarma, Indonesia. If you look at the poster, we’ll think […]

Joined workshop “How To Build Secure Software: Design & Implementation Software Security Engineering”

This post actuacly very very late. I want to tell you about my experience joined security engineering workshop in Information Technology Training Center (ITTC), Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. We learn from Avinanta Tarigan for two days, He is Head of Center Information Security Research in Universitas Gundarma, Indonesia. If you look at the poster, we’ll think […]

Make a login process using Volley Library

Last night again I build my first Android Project after I learned with Manggala in Indonesia Android Kejar. This is my final project for the course. Actually, it does not have to be an app with extra logic and much more complicated process, beacuse in Beginner class that I have done, we just learn about […]

Mulai melangkah di Indonesia Android Kejar Batch #3 – Beginner Level

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh Yep, akhirnya kerisauan jiwa yang beberapa pekan terakhir saya rasakan terjawab. Android. Begitu menarik, namun begitu pelik, seperti momok yang cantik, namun menakutkan dan susah dimengerti, wajar saja, java sebagai bahasa dasarnya mau ndak mau kudu dipelajari, padahal sejak jaman kuliah ndak terlalu suka sama bahasa yang satu ini. Sebelumnya saya juga […]

Berbahagialah jiwa-jiwa yang lemah

Jiwa yang lemah, bukan berarti mereka yang mudah menaruh rasa dan mudah tertarik. Terkadang, kita merasa tertekan dengan keadaan itu. Namun, sebagian orang mengira itu adalah hal buruk yang tidak seharusnya dimiliki oleh setiap orang. Think! Sebenarnya itu boleh-boleh aja, selagi benar dalam menempatkannya. Ketertarikan itu tidak melulu permasalahan hati antara laki-laki dan perempuan. Perasaan […]

I have some feels with Android

I think it’s so absurd. In past, when my friends learn Android, I have no reason to do that. Java is one of harder language to learn, and some peoples make it as favorite language cause it can run in multi platform. As you know, if you build apps using Java, it mighbe able to […]

JavaScript: Show more & Show less

Sometimes we need to show the excerpt of contents ’cause we have limited space to show full of text. And, sometimes we need it to keep the UI looks more simply. As you know, Youtube also use this method to less the data view. Image: Youtube description less view Image: Youtube description less view We […]